Thursday, February 2, 2012


Unemployment is simply the best.

Since I quit my stupid internship, I've had so much time to reflect on life, build a website, and work on my writing. It's been simply lovely. I also finished reading a book. I love being productive while unemployed.

The chart you see above is my interview history since last year. I'm really quite tired of talking about myself and tired of taking tests and talking to so many people. I wish someone would hire me so I could stop. 

I don't know if I'll end up getting this one job I'm interviewing for. It would mean a move to D.C. and having to start over. I rather like my house, but it's becoming apparent that I'm going to have to leave eventually. Greatness won't just find me in my little house in the suburbs. I could attempt to be a recluse, but that's no guarantee of literary success. In fact, I will probably just receive more rejection letters for being in such a boring location with nothing to write about. 

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