About Me

About Me

Here's a little bit about me. I graduated summa cum laude from a pretty good liberal arts university in the middle  -of-nowhere Pennsylvania. I'm a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Mensa (not even joking), and I can't find a job that suits me! While at this esteemed university I served as the editor-in-chief of the weekly campus newspaper.

I majored in economics and English and minored in mathematics and Chinese. Look, I'm just good at a lot of things and I had a lot of AP credit so I figured I might as well just study what I wanted. I guess that was a poor decision considering I can't find a job. Plus I wrote an 86-page honors thesis in economics, which was an empirical study of the effects of mobile phones on economic development and growth. Oh yeah, and I got the prize for having the highest standing in my major (economics).

So tell me, why can't I find a job?

You're probably going to tell me that I sound really scary and intimidating. I promise you I'm not. I'm really cool, I promise. I make charts in my free time.

Other Fun Things I Like to Do

I like to write. If that weren't obvious by the fact that I'm writing a blog I don't know what else is.
I like to run. Fun run!
I play piano. I didn't used to like it, but I do now.
I like to read -- well, this is off and on. After I finish a really good book I like to just let it settle and give my eyes a break.

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