Tuesday, March 13, 2012


So I made it to thirteen interviews. Yesterday was the thirteenth one and I don't think it was jinxed, in spite of popular belief.

The interview was in NYC, so I had to once again commute about an hour and a half to find the place, which was located near Union Square. I really dig the vibe around Union Square, which is good. So many hipsters running about.

The interview itself wasn't terrible, though I noticed I made a type-o on my resume. Crap. Apparently I am in denial about the turning of the year because I listed the end of my internship as February 2011 rather than February 2012. Bah. Denial.

I'm a moron. One strike against me. The other unfortunate thing I discovered was that this was only a first round interview. Oh my goodness. I am so flippin' tired of first round interviews. Why can't we do this on the phone instead of wasting time and money on both ends? It just doesn't make sense from anyone's perspective.

Anyway, I should hear back within the next two weeks and maybe I'll just have to mosey back on into the city to get grilled again.

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