Tuesday, March 20, 2012

another week

Huh, well, another week has gone by, and I haven't heard back from the last two interviews. It's gut-wrenching waiting around. I've already followed up a few times, so I think any more might be annoying. Is it annoying? Does anyone know? Will persistence ultimately spell my ruin?

Wow, I have been reading way too many novels lately, though an article I recently read showed that those who read fiction tend to be more empathetic and understanding. Everyone could really benefit from reading more novels, in my opinion.

I am so tired of waiting, so I've been working at a startup and it's been great because I've been building my professional portfolio with additional pieces. I don't think I'll ever have the real soul of a journalist, so blogger will have to do. It's something to do at least.

Man, I just really want this job. Please please please. If I beg enough, will things work out?

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