Thursday, March 15, 2012

waiting waiting waiting

All of this waiting to hear back is giving me a serious case of insomnia. This is like senior year of high school only so much worse because there's no guarantee that I'll be doing anything at all for the rest of eternity.

I can't sleep past 5 anymore, and when I wake up I think about how wretched the state of life is right now. And then I condemn myself for thinking like that because it could be so much worse. I think in this case it would be better if I were just stupid and selfish all the time so that I couldn't give rattle my brain with cognitive dissonance.

That's it. I'm going to follow up again tomorrow. It's do or die. (Notice how I said again. I've already followed up once).

In other news, I'm back to writing freelance blurbs for a writing network. This means I get paid $2.00 for throwing 75 words together. Easy peasy. My fingers type at least 90 WPM.

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