Friday, December 30, 2011


No one should work the week between Christmas and New Year's because no one feels like working, and nothing gets done anyway. We should all just come to an agreement and agree not to work. 

It's only fair.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

the vicious cycle of cookie-ing


This is totally a draft of the version of an essay I will someday write and publish about the vicious cycle of cookie-ing.

I'll explain.

My family is very skilled at baking. In case you haven't noticed, see just about every picture I've uploaded to Facebook over the past few months. The photos are usually of my edible creations.

Around Christmas, nearly every middle-aged woman in suburban America takes to baking. And around this time, nearly every middle-aged woman with a social life feels the need to gift the cookies she has just baked, even if they're not good.

Friday, December 23, 2011

things i've learned this week

The working world is just as apathetic as the school world. Once Christmas rolls around, everyone behaves like a little kid again, only worse. Because now in adult land, things can get ugly. You won't just not do your work and spend all day daydreaming about Christmas goodies; you'll also get into a shouting match or fist fight with someone at work.

The latter has yet to happen, but my co-workers and I discussed the possibility of throwing down some punches the other day.

Monday, December 19, 2011

another waste

Interview 10. Employment Staffing Agency 3? Possibly 4. I've lost track.

The moral of the story is that people at employment staffing agencies for entry-level jobs are useless. This woman had no idea what she was talking about, and as it turns out, the job she called me about isn't a good fit for me. Thanks a lot for making me come in to your office and fill out a bunch of useless paperwork. Hear from you never.

By the way, the office smelled like urine. Real classy.


Froyo from Yogurtland.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

no exit

Work for the most part has been very uneventful over the past few weeks. The tasks I have to do are pretty boring and most of the time I spend my days staring at a computer screen slowly making edits to a powerpoint presentation that I know will just be criticized later.

I'm not sure there is a point in continuing to do this work.

The workplace has faced its fair share of drama, though. A co-worker and I have been continuing to discuss our exit strategy. Usually, interns leave right after they find a full-time job. The two of us are having no luck. It's been just over two months for me, and three months for her. Meanwhile, we're both quite frustrated at the lack of organization, communication, and effective management at the firm.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

workin' it

As the year draws to a close, I get more and more depressed. Actually, I get depressed just about twice a year - on my birthday and on New Year's Eve. Both occasions remind me of how little I've actually accomplished since the previous year.

This year probably won't be much difficult. I still don't have much to my name other than a degree, which, in reality is just a piece of paper that the university can revoke at any time. Not that I think they have any reason to, I'm just pointing it out.

So I still don't have a job. I desperately want to quit my internship, but the generally accepted protocol is that we leave when we get a job. Ideally, these (non)employers are supposed to help us attain jobs, but that seems very unlikely at the moment.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

chill week

DB isn't in the office this week. I've hit the jackpot!

I'm doing my work diligently -- didn't even chat with anyone extensively today. That's dedication.

However, I did get pretty upset about not having a real job. I guess it's ok since I'm doing something somewhat productive for the business world. Still, I wonder what's going to happen next. It's been over six months since I graduated, and things are looking bleak. I haven't gotten called for an interview in over a month. It's a busy time, sure, but it still doesn't make it any better. I really don't want to still be at this internship in January, and it's probably in my best interest to leave? Or is it? Should I stick around for the elusive promise of help finding a job?

This is going to be a short week. I'm taking a much-needed trip on Friday to get away from the dirty dirty city life. I'm quite excited.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

week of the cake pops

This past week I mustered up all my entrepreneurial spirit and went into the cake pop making business.

This is a cake pop.

If you haven't  heard of cake pops, they are a magical dessert available in many shapes and designs that consists of a ball of cake, mixed with frosting and coated with chocolate.

So yes, this week, every day after work, I'd come home and make these delicious delights until the wee hours of morning.