Saturday, December 17, 2011

no exit

Work for the most part has been very uneventful over the past few weeks. The tasks I have to do are pretty boring and most of the time I spend my days staring at a computer screen slowly making edits to a powerpoint presentation that I know will just be criticized later.

I'm not sure there is a point in continuing to do this work.

The workplace has faced its fair share of drama, though. A co-worker and I have been continuing to discuss our exit strategy. Usually, interns leave right after they find a full-time job. The two of us are having no luck. It's been just over two months for me, and three months for her. Meanwhile, we're both quite frustrated at the lack of organization, communication, and effective management at the firm.

Another "volunteer" just quit after finding a part-time job at a startup. It's not exactly what I'd want to do, but still, she gets to leave without any trouble.

The other financial analyst has threatened to leave for a few weeks now. He's still there, but his departure is imminent. I wonder how the firm will function when he leaves and we're down to five people.

I'm definitely out in three weeks, that's all I have to say. I'm not going to stick around long enough to see if these people can actually help me find a real, paying job. The trick is just figuring out how to tell them.

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