Tuesday, December 13, 2011

workin' it

As the year draws to a close, I get more and more depressed. Actually, I get depressed just about twice a year - on my birthday and on New Year's Eve. Both occasions remind me of how little I've actually accomplished since the previous year.

This year probably won't be much difficult. I still don't have much to my name other than a degree, which, in reality is just a piece of paper that the university can revoke at any time. Not that I think they have any reason to, I'm just pointing it out.

So I still don't have a job. I desperately want to quit my internship, but the generally accepted protocol is that we leave when we get a job. Ideally, these (non)employers are supposed to help us attain jobs, but that seems very unlikely at the moment.

We were just granted a sort of "conditional employment," by which we get paid if the startups get funded. Honestly, I'd rather not be paid here because that would just give DB more of an excuse to yell at me and/or make me stay late. Modern slavery at its finest.

I haven't worked for a full week in just about three weeks. The first week was Thanksgiving. The week after I took Friday off to make cake pops, and then the week after that I took Friday off to visit one of my friends. This is the time to do what I want, let's be realistic.

I guess I'm learning some things. I'm learning that people are disorganized and that I would be a great project manager. I'm also learning that I have an incredible work ethic for someone who isn't getting paid at all. The focus I possess is just amazing -- I produce probably four times as much output as some others in the office. I'm also learning that powerpoints suck and that complaining about work is the best way to build camaraderie with your co-workers.

It's only Tuesday, but it feels like it should be Thursday.

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