Sunday, December 4, 2011

week of the cake pops

This past week I mustered up all my entrepreneurial spirit and went into the cake pop making business.

This is a cake pop.

If you haven't  heard of cake pops, they are a magical dessert available in many shapes and designs that consists of a ball of cake, mixed with frosting and coated with chocolate.

So yes, this week, every day after work, I'd come home and make these delicious delights until the wee hours of morning.

On Monday, I baked five cakes. It was also Cyber Monday, so I did some Christmas shopping. In addition, I began forming the cake balls.

Cake balls being made.
Basically, you just take a cake, cut it into quarters and then crumble it into a large bowl. Then you mix 3/4 of a frosting container in with the cake crumbs and form balls.

On Tuesday, I had a long day at work, so I just finished up making the cake balls.

Wednesday is when the decorating began.

Decorating supplies.
I melted some chocolate and dipped the cake balls into it to make...



I'm just going to go ahead and add some more photos of cake pops to showcase my best work.

Christmas trees. 


And then I wrapped the pops one by one, with help from my mom and one of my friends.

Yeah, I made a lot of cake pops, and it took all my efforts to finish on time for Friday's display. I finished just in the nick of time and created this display:

Here are some closeups of my handiwork.

So I ended up selling a decent number of cake pops, but I still ended up with a lot. Over the week, I think I made just about 220 cake pops. I probably have a little over 100 left. Well friends, check your mailboxes soon!

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