Friday, December 23, 2011

things i've learned this week

The working world is just as apathetic as the school world. Once Christmas rolls around, everyone behaves like a little kid again, only worse. Because now in adult land, things can get ugly. You won't just not do your work and spend all day daydreaming about Christmas goodies; you'll also get into a shouting match or fist fight with someone at work.

The latter has yet to happen, but my co-workers and I discussed the possibility of throwing down some punches the other day.

Shouting matches are quite commonplace in the office. Someone is always yelling at someone else. It's not exactly the best working environment I could have envisaged for myself, but at least it will end soon. Yesterday I was talking to a client, who basically told me that all the work I had just done was crap. Yeah, that's right. I've spent the last three weeks making a bunch of baloney. Dbag, in a surprising twist, actually called him back up and yelled at him. Interesting way to treat clients, huh? But yes, that's what happened.

My exit strategy still isn't worked out yet, but I'll definitely be making some sort of move after the new year. I'm just glad that I don't have to "work" today or Monday, or even the following Friday. Three-day weeks galore!

Another thing I've learned this week is that trips to the bar after work can sometimes get a little crazy. After work on Tuesday, the bosses took all of the unpaid analyst interns to a bar in midtown. It was a little strange. I ordered a Coke and got some funny looks. Hey, I'm allergic, whatever. My friend and I didn't end up staying long, but gee, going to bars with your bosses can soon become super sketchy. Apparently one of our other co-workers ended up staying until 9-ish, and yet another one pounded four margaritas within the first 20 minutes. I'm not sure about the truth of these tales, but that is just what I've heard.

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