Sunday, January 1, 2012

happy new year

Happy New Year! With this coming year, I have a few resolutions and hopes that I'll share now. They are in no particular order.

1. Get a job. Preferably one that doesn't make me want to kill myself. That was harsh. I actually mean find one that is fulfilling and pays and that doesn't involve me getting yelled at every day.

2. Find some mancandy. It's only right. Focus on the job first, and then focus on personal life. Come on life, even my younger sister has a boyfriend now. This is totally unfair.

3. Embrace femininity. Whenever I get really depressed, I throw trying to look good out the window. This year, like I said last year, I will try to dress better and figure out how to wear makeup and all that jazz. Right now I'm wearing holey jeans, an old t-shirt, and an Old Navy fleece pullover. Not a great start, but I'm not going anywhere today. Oh crap, this is how it's going to go for the rest of the year isn't it?

4. Study Chinese. Every day. That's pushing it. I'll settle for "Study Chinese at least once a week."

5. Learn a new language. This could be any language, natural or computer.

6. Practice piano. I'm trying to learn how to improv or whatever. I've spent most of my life playing classical.

7. Read more books. I'm going to read more classics now that I have a Kindle. I'll also add some nonfiction, but I want to focus on fiction so that I can improve my fiction writing skills. Or at least creative nonfiction. I need to master quickly the art of personal essays, since I suck at revealing personal things.

8. Stop being miserable. Every time I get upset, I start an internal monologue about how life isn't fair, but how it could be so much worse. I think a better thing to do is just let myself be upset for a while and then move on. There's nothing wrong with being unhappy and complaining for a while as long as I eventually get over it.

9. Work out. A classic resolution. Working all day and commuting makes this really difficult, but I've  managed to maintain my weight so far. Here's to hoping I can continue it. (Last year I think I called this plan "Get Hot.")

10. Stop drinking diet sodas. I know it's terrible, but I have a penchant for Coke Zero. Sometimes you just need a bubbly, carbonated drink! I'll cut down.

11. Quit eating so much junk. Related to the health resolutions; I don't know, after work, sometimes I'm just so upset that all I want to do is plop on the couch and dig into a pint of ice cream. There was one week that I actually did eat ice cream every day. I've since stopped, but then the holidays came around, and if you see what I've been baking...well, you'll know that it's terribly difficult to resist.

12. Stop being anti-social and calm down about friends. Yeah, I've been pretty anti-social lately, except with a few people. This people I abuse by obsessing over how much we talk and whether it's enough or not. Resolution: stop. I love my friends and I'm really grateful for having them in my life. Sure, I wish that sometimes they made more of an effort to talk to me first or hang out with me, but maybe that's just in the nature of the people I choose to friend.

Well, I think that's enough resolutions for now. That's what's been on my mind lately.

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