Thursday, January 5, 2012

a promotion

In a truly twisted turn of events, I've been promoted to "Senior Analyst." Yes, that's right. The unpaid internship is rewarding me with more work. Now, I'm in charge of a few of the new analysts and have to help them project manage. The only problem with this is that it's more work and that I have my own projects to work on.

I'm a little pissed off about it because I stated last week that I would be leaving next week, next Friday, in fact. And now they expect me to stay through the end of the month because they're covering my transportation costs. Right, because my labor is so cheap you might as well just pay for my transportation and give me some extra work while you're at it.

Oh yeah sure, this wouldn't be that bad if say...the interns weren't idiots. They're asking me the dumbest questions I have ever heard. It's like, hello, did you just wake up?  Do you not have a brain? When I started working three months ago, it's not like someone held my hand through every step of learning the ropes. You're probably thinking this is a classic case of bias. I assure you it's not.

Every five minutes they interrupt me to ask a stupid question, so I can't even keep my train of thought. It's ridiculous. I can't take it. I think I'm just going to leave next Friday regardless.

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