Monday, January 16, 2012


Every day that goes by I lose a little faith in myself. I'm watching as my former classmates return to school for their final semester, full of that same hope I felt last year. People said it would be difficult to find a job, but no one warned me that it would be this hard. I suppose I should have suspected it, given the current economic climate. I'm guilty of hubris, of thinking that it would be easy, that my track record would speak for itself.

It's already mid-January, and I refuse to think about time anymore.

I promise to quit this week and focus 100% on the job search. The "bosses" clearly aren't helping me find employment, so I should just leave. Still waiting to hear back from that other company, though, so even if it's just for a little while, I'll have something to do. It'll be easy, mindless work.

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