Thursday, January 12, 2012

interviewing while sick

So, if I were smart, I probably would have rescheduled my interview with that ill paying job so that I wouldn't have to go into a meeting while hacking up a storm.

I guess I'm not smart.

Nah, the interview went pretty well considering I was coughing every other minute and my sinuses were seriously congested. All this pressure was building up inside my head. I could barely think straight, but I made it through.

The interview itself wasn't terrible. I wasn't asked that many questions, and I just talked about all of my experiences. If there's one thing that this internship (that I hate) has done for me, it's made me more confident in my abilities. Well, I'm not sure if that's quite it. It's probably that it's made me not care about anything. I'm largely apathetic toward everything in life now. Basically, it's beaten the hope and compassion out of me. I don't care about anything.

This internship has jaded me. All I see is incompetent people lying and their way through life. They exploit people who do work hard without teaching them anything. They treat people disrespectfully. They go through life drunk, or high, or just simply without doing anything of use to society. I don't want to live like that, and I refuse to accept anything less than my vision. Suck it, life.

I'm not too keen on the job. Even if they offer it to me, I'm just not sure. Money is better than no money, but I just got this bad vibe from the place. The office walls were painted in this drab, off-yellow color, and there were again no windows. The people had large cubicles or work spaces, but they looked unhappy. The light was gone from their eyes, and they looked like if they died that very day, it wouldn't have mattered. They just did not want to be there at all. They were also awfully old and overweight. The whole place seemed like nothing ever happened there.

So, I guess we'll just wait and see. Tomorrow I have another interview, so wish me luck!

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