Sunday, January 8, 2012

job interview X

Last week I had yet another phone interview, and it seemed to go well in spite of my current state of ill health. Yeah, I haven't been sick in nearly a year, and then I caught a cold. I think it's a cold, but it could be something else.

The interviewer told me upfront that the salary wasn't very good. I wonder why she did that. That's never happened to me before. Does that suggest that it's a terrible job?

Why is it that I always find the worst paying jobs?

According to, the median starting salary for economics majors (like myself) for 2010-2011 was $47, 300.

If I get this job, I will be making up to $17, 300 less than my peers. What. Up.

This is a pretty disappointing and staggering figure.

I suppose that it's better than hemorrhaging money like I am now, since I'm paying just about $20 a day to commute to the city for an unpaid internship.

On the bright side, I built a website today, so I should be buying a domain name soon. It'll be great to launch my writing career that way. See, I'm still being productive!

So yeah, I actually do apologize for all the bleak posts lately. The end of the year always gets me down.

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