Wednesday, January 18, 2012

i quit

So yesterday, I told my "bosses" that I quit...and they wouldn't have it. I've been telling people that they didn't let me resign, but ultimately it's up to me. I realize I hold the power and that I can just stop showing up at any point. The problem is that I just won't leave on favorable terms.

I can't believe I actually used the words "I would prefer to leave at the end of the week," and they kept pushing me to stay. Like I'm actually that valuable to them? Unlikely. It's not like they're helping me find a full time position.

I really just want to leave and focus on some other projects I'm working I may just stop showing up one day. At this point, I don't even know how to do  hard work anymore. I can't focus. I'm distraught. This is just a huge mess.

Actually, I'm contemplating becoming a recluse like good ol' Emily Dickinson. I'm thinking that maybe it'll make me a better writer? An insane, but better, writer? Maybe just maybe.

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