Tuesday, September 13, 2011

an average day

Today is just another average day in what appears to be the most mundane beginning of autumn I have ever experienced. It's a lazy day. Outside is still and full of green thanks to the extensive rainfall we've experienced this summer. Yes, it's actually quite nice admiring nature from my seat in our breakfast nook.

This morning I applied to a few more jobs e-mailed to me by careerbuilder.com. Thanks careerbuilder, only it seems that I've already applied to half of the jobs you listed. 

Here is a chart detailing how I spend my unemployed days. For once in my life it appears I'm getting quite enough sleep. It's a weird feeling, so weird, in fact, that all I want to do is sleep some more. But if I slept more, that wouldn't leave me enough time to make more charts. 

I also do quite a bit of reading. I've read about 14 books this summer alone. Well, by summer, I mean up until today. In terms of messing around on the Internet, there's a ton of that, but I'm really trying to cut down on that since it's unproductive. 

Recently I've learned the pleasures of doing absolutely nothing. For instance, sometimes I just sit around and play Fruit Ninja on my phone. Or when it's raining I'll loaf on the couch and watch the rain fall. And then again I'll do this, admire the outside world and blog about it. Cool, right? 

Yes, yes. This is the life. 

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