Sunday, September 25, 2011

more uselessness

The other day I went for another interview at another NPO -- this one much smaller and located in the Empire State Building. You'd think that would be cool, but the office is just like any other office except the area in which it's located is full of tourists. It's actually a little weird when you walk around and amble through the area because all the people who work for building management are dressed in bellhop outfits and have grins plastered on their faces. 

Anyway, the job isn't as exciting as I would have hoped and you really don't get exposed to that many interesting people. Basically I would be entering data into a database for how many hours they want to exploit my unpaid labor. I think I'll pass.

Luckily it wasn't a complete waste of a trip to the city. Afterward I walked to the New York Public Library and did some reading to kill time and take shelter from the pouring rain. I've never been more thankful for my smartphone because I could continue reading The Wall Street MBA, which I'm using to learn more about finance and accounting -- basically the stuff I should have learned a long time ago. And now I've got to learn SQL in order to prep myself for whatever job I'm bound to get.

This was taken from the steps outside the NYPL. I stood there for a good 20 minutes thinking "'m not ready."

But then eventually I met a friend for lunch and we went to Jamba Juice! At last! I've been meaning to go there for years and at last I've finally sampled the fruity and magically delicious blend. On the way back to her apartment, however, we got soaked. I was sopping. The only parts of my that were dry were my back and the front of my shirt. I hate being wet.

And then due to traffic I spent an hour and a half on the bus home.

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