Wednesday, September 14, 2011

dumb dumb dumb

I'm completely useless, honestly. What was I doing studying all of these useless subjects in high school and college? Economics? Useless. English? Useless.

Why didn't I realize that when a recession hits the economy, all people want are mechanized robots to plug and chug numbers. We don't need thinkers. We don't need innovators. We just need the occasional accountant and engineer who will keep the world afloat.

There are a number of things I should have studied: 1) Accounting 2) Computer programming.

Instead, I dallied in languages,  music, and art.

Maybe I'm just cut out to be a bum. Yeah, it's pretty ironic that I was voted "Most Likely to Succeed" in high school and now I'm here contemplating finding a job at the mall to fund my educational loans and caffeine habit.

I'm going to start my own business.

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