Thursday, September 22, 2011

facebook free's the way to be

Since deactivating my Facebook account on Monday afternoon after certain events transpired, I have been amazingly productive. It's like I got this whole part of my life back. I feel as though a weight has been lifted. I feel so good. It's amazing. I wonder how long I can go. The last time it was about 5 days.

I'm not even joking. The time I usually spent staring blankly at an unchanging News Feed during the daylight hours I now spend reading about finance and accounting. I've learned all about the three essential financial statements and about the various forms of financial analyses. This time it's actually sinking it. I will make it sink in!

Moreover, I've returned to the piano. Though my piano is still dreadfully out of tune, I'm really enjoying playing again. When I think about how I used to sit in the parlor and whine because my parents forced me to play every day for at least half an hour, it's just amazing that I find myself making real music. I'm putting the finishing touches on Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 14 in C# minor "Quasi una fantasia" (the first movement of which is more commonly known as Moonlight Sonata). It's been four years in the works -- I'd only been able to play off and on at school, so I feel really great that I'm almost done. If you haven't heard it, check out the following clips:

The third movement is the one I'm having trouble with because as you might have noticed it's very hard. So that's that, but my new goal is learning to sight read better because apparently I missed out on that boat in my youth. Improv and accompaniment are secondary goals, so I'm using some pop sheet music to work on it.

In other news, I've gotten over the friend issues because I figured out what the problem is -- it's my insane memory. I remember everything -- everything people say, what they do, how many times they've talked to me, how many times they've dissed me -- everything. Honestly, it's a nightmare. No wonder no one will ever live up to my expectations.

I will say, however, that in the words of Jack Sparrow, "The deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers."

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