Thursday, September 15, 2011

a day in NY

I spent most of today traipsing around NYC. The purpose of my visit was to interview with this NPO for an unpaid internship. I've resorted to unpaid internships in the job search, pathetic, I know. The organization is great, and I'd love to do work for them, but it's going to cost me. I can only hope that if I get the internship, it will pay off later in life. 

This is a breakdown of my day. Sorry the image is a little blurry, you may have to click on it to enlarge. Anyway, the interview took almost no time because let's face it I know my stuff. I spent the majority of the day on mass transit (bus, subway). To be fair, I started off at Port Authority, and then jetted up to the Upper East Side because I was running late (BUT I MADE IT ON TIME!) Then I visited a friend in midtown, then visited another friend at NYU. I got pretty lost around NYU because...well I don't actually know why. I didn't really look at the map, but thankfully, I had my new phone to help me. Phew. Otherwise, that could have gotten bad. 

Plus I got some pinkberry today, so all in all I'd say it was a pretty great day, which is saying a lot since you probably got all depressed after reading my last post. It's OK. We're all going to be fine. 

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