Monday, September 12, 2011

summer stats

This is a chart displaying my recent lack of success with the job search. These figures are approximate...I haven't actually been keeping that close of a count. Plus, there's the problem of where to count the several pointless head hunter appointments I've attended.

Here you see that the future looks fairly bleak. I've applied to 150+ jobs and just about 10 phone interviews. And still, no success. It's getting super depressing.  

But fear not. Something will work out they say, they promise you, as you walk away from graduation a few ten thousand dollars in debt. I'm not giving up hope just yet, but I have adopted a rather cavalier attitude toward the working world. Personally, I'm convinced that people aren't after the best. They don't want someone who is going to one day steal their jobs! They want someone who is going to be someone to pal around with. Well, my apologies then. I'm sorry I get a thrill out of working and that I'm just brilliant. Teach me anything and I will understand it and do it well. 

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