Wednesday, September 14, 2011

post-grad blues

I guess gradually losing your friends from school over time is inevitable. I had hoped that it wouldn't happen and that we would just have the same connection from afar. In some situations it's possible. Maybe it just depends on your expectations. For people that matter in my life I will always make time, but some people just don't get that.

This graph shows the amount of contact I've had with people from my prestigious liberal arts institution over the summer. (Mind you, I'm not actually insane and just guesstimated, though my guesstimates tend to be dead on).  

In May, when we graduated, web activity was obscenely high since everyone was basically talking to each other online and tagging photos of senior week and graduation. We were fresh onto our new lives as graduates and desperately missing each other. I would surmise that that desperation and anxiety is what caused the high levels of contact in the days immediately following graduation.

June occasioned high phone and web activity, as well as a few unexpected visits, which was quite nice. I saw people I wanted to see -- people whom I didn't think I see again for at least a long time. Perhaps it spoiled me because in the following months, you witness the slow decline. 

If this trend continues, I'll probably keep in touch with just about one person. There goes four years of investing in friendships and people. And I guess that every time I pick up and move it will be more of the same.

More graphs to come.

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