Thursday, September 29, 2011

national coffee day

I just wanted to wish all the fans out there a very felicitous national coffee day. Without coffee, I'd be a zombie.

This post is dedicated to everything coffee related, so let me just take a few minutes to write about coffee stuffs.

Fun Facts
(from Wikipedia)

  • The energizing effect of coffee was discovered in Ethiopia.
  • Coffee berries contain coffee seeds, also called "coffee beans."
  • After being removed from the coffee berries and, in some cases, undergoing fermentation, the beans are roasted. 
  • Coffee's flavor depends on the degree of roast. Darker roasts have a more sugary flavor while lighter roasts have a more complex flavor. This is because during the roasting process the starches in the bean are broken down in caramelization.
  • Decaffienation is performed prior to roast and can be completed in a number of ways, one of which is using a solvent to dissolve the oils containing caffeine. 
Coffee-based Beverages
  • Caffe Americano is espresso with a shot of water.
  • Caffe latte is espresso with steamed milk.
  • Caffe cappuccino is espresso with equal parts steamed milk and milk froth.
  • Caffe macchiato is espresso with a dollop of steamed milk on top. 

Oh, also, fellow coffee lovers, check out this coffee-stained t-shirt made by Starbucks. Weird.

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