Saturday, October 8, 2011

autumn splendor

I once played a song called "Autumn Splendor" for a piano recital back in the day. The song sucked, I don't know why my teacher had me play it.

Anyway, the point of this post was just to discuss how awesome NY is when the weather is good. If you recall, the last time I ventured into the city a few weeks ago, I got totally and completely soaking wet. This time, I had a lovely stroll around the city before and after my appointment.

Here is Rockefeller Center. 

I passed by here on my way back home. Look at those awesome flags doing their thing in the wind. It was pretty neat just walking through different neighborhoods and seeing how the people are different in each one. Yes, the only thing that isn't neat is the whole polluting the air with cancer sticks. Gosh, people just linger outside their buildings inviting cancer into their lungs. 

It's truly filthy. Quit it. 

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