Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Alright, alright, I'm going to put all of my complaints into perspective just for this one post so all you readers out there don't think I'm an insensitive jerk. And then I'll go back to being a little snarky. Ok, really snarky.

All in all, my unemployment isn't that bad in the grand scheme of things. I'm not starving to death. I'm not dying of cancer. I don't live on the brink of poverty.

I have my limbs, a well-functioning, healthy body. I have all of these things and a supportive family. Sure, I don't get everything I want, but maybe that's a good thing. In contrast to my whiny and spoiled five-year-old self, I think I've made some progress. I've even made progress since my super nerdy self in high school. I've got a few good friends and a bunch of lovely acquaintances. So I thank you life and the universe.

This isn't to say that I don't want more - of course I want more, but I do value what I have.

I even value all you folks reading out there. Who is reading in Russia? Seriously. I was reading the stats and I get about three Russian hits a day. Anyway, while you're reading, if you just want to go ahead and click on some ads, I might just make a few cents. Just saying.

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