Thursday, October 6, 2011

looking for a job ~ looking for a mate

I've heard a few people liken looking for a job to dating. In some ways I agree with the analogy.

1) Profiles. Sorting through company profiles and job postings is just like going through online dating profiles or scanning the singles ads. You apply, and hope for a match. 

2) Networking & Pre-Dates. You go to career fairs and play the field, just like you play the bar or club scene. If you make a connection, you set up a pre-date, like a chat over coffee (or a phone call in the job case).

3) Interview / Date. If that goes well, you go on another round of interviewing/dating. You get all dressed up; you prepare. You bring your A-game. Like in dating, sometimes the employer pays for your interview travel costs and a meal. Also like in dating, sometimes they just don't care and you end up paying for yourself. 

4) They don't return your call. It's super sad, I know.  

5) The aftermath. You feel like crap and keep wondering why they didn't call. You suspect there's something wrong with you. In most cases, there probably isn't. It just wasn't the right fit.

Then I guess you repeat the process until something works. 

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