Friday, October 28, 2011

week 2

Today my manager was going to take us all out for alcohol. Not drinks. No, no, he said alcohol. To get us crunked. Primed to brainstorm. No lie. We didn't end up doing it, but I'm pretty sure he was fairly serious about the offer. He just had some stuff to get done, so he ended up leaving the office early.

We followed suit. It's only reasonable because, oh right, we're exploited laborers.

Yes, we can take off at any time, thanks for reaffirming that. I wasn't sure. Thanks for making me feel bad for not getting there exactly on time. This is essentially volunteering.

Since it was so cold, he also offered to just buy a handle of some alcohol so we could rage in the office. The other two managers were out for the day.


Eh, whatever. I got to leave early today, which was awesome, except for the whole getting-on-the-local bus home. We ended up making a detour to stop in this town that is a bit off the main highway just for two people. Two people! Those two people added an extra 10 to 20 minutes to my commute.

To sum up the week, it wasn't terrible. I'm getting the hang of things, and it's actually fairly easy. The first week is always the worst of any situation, and if I'm doing something that's only a week long, well you can bet that it's going to be awful for me no matter what. That probably explains why the time I went to a bunch of leadership camps I was so unhappy.

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