Wednesday, October 12, 2011


So remember when I was ranting about how I was going to find time to do all the other little side projects I like to do after I start my internship? Well, then 8:00 rolled around, and I was bored again.

I was planning on watching "Glee" last night, but it wasn't on, so I settled for "Cupcake Wars." I feel really dirty after I pull something like that, you know, watching mindless TV just to kill time. I hate killing time.

No, after I start work, I'm going to be insanely productive. When you start being productive again, your productivity multiplies and you can totally fit more things into your day. I can't wait to feel like I'm doing something again, because most days I wake up after more than enough sleep still tired. While I was at school that would almost never happen.

My alarm would go off (usually some song by T.Swift or Vampire Weekend) and I would leap out of bed, ready to seize another day. When I have things that actually next to get done, I almost never get tired. I'm ready for that feeling again, though this respite has been nice.

Plus I hate watching this much TV. On Mondays, I watch "How I Met Your Mother," which is probably my favorite show of the moment. Sometimes, if I'm feeling really bored or lazy, I'll also watch whatever is on after that show.

On Tuesdays, I usually watch "Glee" and then maybe "New Girl." Wednesdays are reserved for "Modern Family," and on Thursdays I watch "The Office." This wouldn't be so terrible if those were the only shows I watched, but really, I'll also sometimes watch reruns of "How I Met Your Mother" and "Friends" to take a break from whatever boring thing I'm doing. Oh, and I also watch "Say Yes to the Dress" almost religiously. Whenever there's a marathon, I  will stay tuned, even if I've already seen the episode before. It's truly disgusting. I can't wait for that to stop.

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