Thursday, October 27, 2011


As I've been working for nearly two weeks, I've heard used the same phrases over and over again. It's so irritating. What ever happened to spicing up your life with colorful language?

Here is a list of words and phrases that I'm tired of:

  • synergy
  • low-hanging fruit
  • co-marketing / co-selling
  • space
  • sync up
  • platform
That's all I've got for now, but I'm sure the list will grow longer with time. It's funny because what all these terms have in common is their vagueness. It's like they pretend to be more than what they are. They're pretentious words. They're words invented to refer to a meaning other than their original meaning, and used within the business context they simultaneously mean nothing and everything at the same time.

In other news, there's always one guy in the office that you have to hate. I think it's mandatory in every office. You just have to hate someone. 

That one person in my office is one of the managers. In fact, I'm not even sure the other partners even like him. They just keep him around because occasionally you need a resident douche to do your dirty work. It's true. At times, I suppose you do need someone to really push people. However, I don't really appreciate it when that person is me. 

I'm a hard worker. If you know anything about me or my background, you'd believe it, but I also enjoy having a good time. So it strikes me as really unfair when I'm treated like a mere, interchangeable laborer. I'm dispensable. I'm just another cog in the wheel. 

Right, I'm totally not, and if I thought that's how this internship was going to go, I never would have signed up for it. I've forgotten if I wrote about it the other day, but this is the same guy who at the end of the day, when we're all getting ready to go home, hands me another project to finish. I had absolutely no involvement with the project beforehand, but for some reason I was supposed to finish it. Totally uncool. I ended up staying super late that day, and it was so unfortunate because I was still adjusting to this hectic schedule. Plus I felt like crap. And now he wants us analysts to attend networking events at night? Yeah, that'd be cool except I'm not getting paid and it takes me an inordinate amount of time to get home and I don't want to pay for a cab to take me back to Port Authority. 

The past two days have been worse though, at least in terms of commute time. It's been taking me between two and two and a half hours to get home, which is really depressing because this is valuable time I could be using to read or write. Instead, I'm stuck sitting on the bus, often next to an enormous, smelly person. So instead, I catch up on my correspondence and listen to music and stare out the window. I guess it's relaxing. Sometimes I even take a nap, but that's always been a little sketchy to me - napping next to someone you don't know. I always wait until someone sits next to me on the bus in the morning before I decide I can nap. 

I'm also slightly paranoid that someone is going to try to strangle me from behind. Don't ask me why, I couldn't tell you.

Another thing that sucks is that after I get home, which is quite late, I quickly eat my dinner and suffer through my parents' mundane conversations. They babble on for some time about stuff I don't care about and then chastise me for one thing or another. Thanks, I've been stressed out all day, like this is going to be any use for me. Apparently I'm not willing enough to help out. Forgive me. I only get two or three hours at night to chill, and I just want to talk to people my own age. 

As I'm writing this, I've been home for exactly an hour and a half. My parents have already bored me and yelled at me. And they consider this "quality" family time. At this point, I think I'd rather get some crazy job and move away because I can't take it anymore. 

It's so sad; by the time 10:00 rolls around I'm exhausted and sleepy. My eyes are all dry from wearing contacts all day and staring at a computer screen. I'm about ready to call it a night. 

As far as the paying job search goes, it's terrible. I had a phone interview on Monday, but they never got back to me so I'm guessing that that's a no. The second round interviews were supposed to take place tomorrow. I'm still here and not in D. C. Way to play it professional, team.

I received another "no" from yet another consulting company I had a phone interview with as well. Today was just a great day for me as you can see. What does that bring the count to? I'm not sure. I lost count long ago. I guess I could pull up my spreadsheet again, but that takes a lot of time because my laptop is on the brink of death. 

Until next time. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. 

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