Tuesday, October 11, 2011

in the interim

So, I have just about a week until I start my internship in the city, and I'm determined to pack in as much stuff as I can into this week. I'm actually getting a little nostalgic for this lazy life I'm currently living. How am I going to manage going into the city every single day and then doing all this stuff I'm doing right now?

I'm only half-kidding. I do find ways to fill my days, though they don't fit your average definition of productivity. I read a lot about business and startups, for one, because eventually I will start my own business. Lately I've been reading about different programming languages so that I can improve my web design skills. (One of these days I'll update the blog design and make it fabulous). I've also been reading novels and studying Chinese. Plus there's the whole freelancing thing, which comes in handy because that is how I'm going to fund my daily trips.

I'm accustomed to waking up later, eating a quick breakfast while watching the news, then hopping on my computer to do some more research and writing. Soon, that life will vanish, and I will become an (unpaid) working girl.

The thing I'm beginning to realize is that I'm not really surprised that no one has hired me. I'm not the minion type. I don't take orders well, and I like to do my own thing. Just by looking at me, you can probably tell that I'm really just doing something for myself and not for the good of the company. Company loyalty means nothing to me, unless, of course, it is my own company.

Back when I was editor of the paper, I became entangled with the cause because I was in charge. That's the only way you can make me care about something. At a large corporation, or even at a small business, I would never feel that same degree of attachment.

Because I have developed such portable skills, I can go anywhere. I can make it on my own, I have no doubt. So when I have my book deal and my consultant job, I will be a completely free agent. I will be my own person, with no debts to pay, no ties to acknowledge. That's the dream.

So expect some adjustments. Expect some shifting. I guess I'm ready for a change, ready for real life to begin.

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