Saturday, October 29, 2011

ways to remain unproductive at work

At the office, the work is really boring. I've resorted to juvenile, high school tactics to avoid work. I'm only mildly ashamed to admit them, but I figure you may also benefit from them.

The first tactic is to drink a lot of diuretics.

I usually roll into the office between 9:30 and 10 and brew myself a cuppa joe.

I usually limit myself to one only because I don't want to stain my teeth excessively. I also don't want to become severely addicted. One is good for me. Gotta cut myself off. 

Then I sometimes drink a coke zero at lunch. 

Coke zero is totally and completely different from regular coke or even diet coke. It's delicious! Deliciously bubbly. And caffeinated.  

Then around 3 or 4 in the afternoon, I drink some green tea for the antioxidants. See this one isn't so bad because it's good for you. The office is also really cold so this tends to warm me up. Too bad the chill in my fingers rarely leaves. 

Throughout the day I also carry one of these bad boys around with me:

That's right, a nice, big, eco-friendly bottle of water. Not only does this bottle make me seem cool and environmentally conscious, but it also satisfies my hydration needs. 

In sum, I drink a lot of beverages throughout the day. Thus, I have to get up more often and use the restroom, which ultimately gives me more time out of my chair and moving around. More exercise, less work. It's brilliant! Plus I ultimately spend less time doing mindless work. 

The second tactic is to hide in the bathroom. There's not really anywhere else to go and hang out. In the lounge, people can totally see you and judge you for taking a break, no matter how short it may be. The bathroom is the only safe space. I don't actually spend that much time in there because then people might think I'm doing something that I'm not. I'll leave the details for you to imagine.

Anyway, what I do is just take a minute or two to myself. I'm actually quite productive when it really comes down to it, but sometimes you just need to take a break. 

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