Monday, November 7, 2011

cancer sticks

Today I dedicate my post to all the smokers of New York City.

I hate you.

Smoking is the most vile habit I've ever come to know. It's smelly, it stains your teeth, and it gives you CANCER. Please, people on the streets, stop blowing your noxious fumes into my face. I've gone to great lengths to avoid you. I hold my breath when you're in my vicinity, I walk really fast (and I have really short legs so it takes extra effort) to pass you, and I try really hard not to hardcore judge you as you take another long drag, while you slump yourself against a building wall.

This morning I walked pass this stretch of sidewalk on which several people were smoking. I call it Cancer Corner. Why didn't you ever pay attention in health class? Why did you succumb to peer pressure? Why did you let the ad agencies get to you?

I'm disappointed in you, and even more disappointed that you're polluting the air that will need to pass through my lungs, exposing my healthy organs to carcinogens. If i get some sort of disease because of secondhand smoke inhalation, I will never forgive you.

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