Saturday, November 12, 2011

job search update

In case you were wondering, here are the new metrics for my job search.

That's right, applications now total over 200. Phone interviews have gone up slightly, and on-site interviews haven't exactly changed. I have one internship offer -- the one I'm working at right now. Zero official job offers. 

The other day I read those e-mails that I received back from my professors. One of my professors, a former adviser, said he was shocked that I hadn't found a job yet. I'm shocked, too, don't worry Prof. He said that if someone as bright as me can't find a job, it's pretty worrisome for the entire economy.

What he doesn't realize is that I'm really weird and awkward. I don't know all the answers and I can't BS my way through anything. That's probably why I can't find a job. It's all about finding the right fit, at least that's what I learned yesterday when I became the HR department at my work.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Woops, made a mistake there.

    Anyway, I just stumbled upon this blog as I was distracting myself from Japanese and thinking to myself, "I wonder what Tracy is up to?" As a senior, discovering the existence of this blog is scaring the hell out of me since I think we have (kinda) similar qualifications.

    Where do you live now, buddy? I would love to catch up with you sometime and get a glimpse of what post-grad life is like.
