Monday, November 14, 2011


Let me just tell you about my day because it was really stressful, unnecessarily so.

I got in a little later than usual due to a massive traffic jam. What do you want me to do? I can't control the traffic. Ordinarily I get there before most other folks.

Today when I got into the office, it was deserted, which I found a little strange. Apparently, three of the other analysts had just relocated to another room. Gee, I thought, that's a little weird. Now it's just me in this room...all alone...with no one to talk to if I felt the need.

One of the partners, whom I have dubbed douchebag, didn't acknowledge my presence at all. My safety was not one of his concerns. So that made me feel pretty worthless. A great way to start my morning -- full of anxiety and apprehension about my fate.

I got to work, still not knowing why everyone had left. Then I hear this drilling noise and the sound of metal scraping. The ceiling starts to shake and a loose tile begins to crumble and fall onto the desk below.

Oh, gee, I guess I should have relocated, too.

As it turns out, there was some kind of leak so one of the managers told only a few people to move to another room. The only problem with me moving now, though, was that I was chained to a desktop computer. I didn't have the mobility of a laptop because mine is totally ghetto so I leave it at home.

I grabbed the spare laptop, hoping that I could at least get some work done while in the other vacant office, but once I powered it up, I realized that this machine was a complete piece of crap.

Its wireless adapter wasn't working, so I spent a good half an hour to forty minutes trying to fix it. Giving up, I ventured back into the danger zone to grab one of those cables you plug into a wall to get Internet. What are they called? Broadband? Ethernet? I don't know. That worked, but it still didn't solve the problem of not having the right software installed on the computer.

I resorted to going through my e-mails and looking up info, pasting it into an e-mail to myself for later use. Productivity at its best.

Later on, the douche bag comes storming back down the hall from wherever the heck he was, demanding that we all return to our original, leaky, crowded office. Actually, it seemed that he didn't care what I did since again he refused to acknowledge my presence.

We returned, and I resumed work at the regular computer with everyone else. Then, right when I got back, everyone decided that they should give me a billion projects with a deadline of today. Great, thanks. I didn't have a free moment at all. All in all, very stressful and very underappreciated today.

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