Friday, November 11, 2011

week 4

So I've just completed four weeks of work at my unpaid internship, and things are looking up. By up, I mean they're looking OK. I haven't heard from any potential employers still.

It's a huge downer, but I keep telling myself that everything will work out.

I'm getting the hang of things in the office, and trying to "own" my work. My expertise in design and writing is coming in handy, just like I knew it would. What I will say is that most of the time, everything is subjective, so when your bosses tell you to fix it, it's not because it's necessarily wrong, but just because they're the ones who are going to present the stuff anyway.

Since apparently I'm an "affable" person, yeah, I never knew that, I've also been tasked with finding more unpaid interns to fuel the company. Apparently, my managers want more people like me, with my skill set. Yeah, OK. Everyone should want me and my skill set.

Today I got to interview a candidate five years older than me. If this had been my company, I totally would have asked some awkward questions, but I kept it simple. Just in case of karma. Then I interviewed someone my own age who totally had better responses than I did in my own interview. Such a strange experience, but I guess it's something else to put under the description on my resume.

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