Saturday, November 5, 2011


Having no power for a week sucks. It sucks even more when it's due to a freak snow storm that has left your town crippled. It's even worse when it comes right after a vicious hurricane that already destroyed your town.

Needless to say, last week sucked. I had to wake up and get ready in the darkness, which was a lot worse because it was freezing cold in my house. I would smear some makeup on my face, hoping that it would make me look some semblance of normal, but really just know that I looked like a disheveled ragamuffin.

I'd get to work and do some really boring stuff for the entire day. For some reason, the office was also freezing cold, so I spent my days being really uncomfortable and cold. Then I'd come home and be cold some more and sit in the darkness.

But finally, last night, after I had gotten home, we got power back! You have no idea how excited I was after a week of feeling really demoralized.

I haven't been able to work out for a week because of it. I'm really excited to start running again so I feel less gross after indulging in every fatty food I could get my hands on. We've been eating out a lot, you see, because it's not like we could really cook at home. That, and the fact that I kept getting home really late because of traffic or because I had to stay late for my [unpaid!] internship.

In general, I'd say I'm in a pretty dark place in my life right now. At the very least, I'm glad I can "stop being Amish," as one of my friends put it, now that I have light and heat again. So as long as I've got that going for me maybe things will turn around soon.

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