Thursday, November 24, 2011

city life

This past few days, I stayed with my aunt in the city, which essentially took an hour off of my commute. It was glorious. I still took a bus to work, however, about which a coworker mocked me because he thought I was afraid of the rail system or something.

I'm not, for the record; the bus is just more convenient.

Work this week was a little too relaxing since the DB was absent. I didn't have that much work to do, and my manager just told me to make stuff up to do. So I did, and my work consisted largely of trolling the Internet and posting on blogs.

I also went to a networking event, where I made a fool of myself as usual. I'm a terrible networker and a horrible conversationalist apparently. But, I did hail a cab by myself for the first time. I'm pretty proud of myself. That day, I took three forms of transportation -- bus, subway, and cab. Such a real person with places to go I was.

I'm not sure if I would want to move to the city, however. Although it's more convenient, a commute is still involved and it still involves stinky people. I'm pretty paranoid about crime, so I probably wouldn't be doing much living. I guess that discussion will have to wait until I get an actual job.

Plus there's the matter of food. Cooking seems like such a hassle with a small kitchen. Plus you'd have to go to the store and lug all the groceries back. So I'd probably end up eating out a lot and getting enormous. Very undesirable if you ask me. Already I've probably gained weight from sitting at a desk all day and then sitting on the bus for inordinate periods of time.

BTW, Happy Thanksgiving. Bring on Black Friday!

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