Thursday, November 17, 2011

quick updates

I hate my internship. Yesterday I got reprimanded for "not managing my time well." A likely story. Like it's my fault that I was given a billion other projects to do, and someone was already working on my deck I had made anyway.

Today I got yelled at for two hours about how I didn't know how to make a deck.

Is this for real? How can I be getting mixed messages from managing partners? If this were my company, I would communicate among ourselves first before scrambling young, impressionable minds.

I seriously considered walking out and quitting right then and there.

And then, when I went to this event downtown, I thought about joining these Occupy Wall Street protesters.

I'm still seriously considering it because this job is exploitative. The deadline is now Christmas. Christmas and I'm out. I can't take it anymore. I would write more, but I'm too upset, so you will have to just sympathize with the lack of words I have provided.

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